Chances are that fans of Bret Hart will be able to recall the moment that ended the career of the former WWE Champion. Goldberg faced Bret Hart for the WCW World Heavyweight title at Starrcade 1999, during the match he landed a misjudged superkick, concussing Hart and serving as the beginning of the “Hitman’s” end in wrestling. It’s a moment immortalized by the way Bret Hart has addressed it in recent years, going as far to liken Goldberg to a gorilla and branding him dangerous. Goldberg addressed the incident during a recent interview on “Nothing Left Unsaid” with Tim Green.

Goldberg admite su error

“I was a baby in the wrestling business,” he said, continuing to describe how he had sought mentorship from Hart, “I mean this guy was one of the best ever and so I was enthralled with him. I didn’t idolize him by any stretch, I don’t idolize anyone. But I put him up on that pedestal as someone to very much learn from. They put us together, and I did learn a lot from the guy, I wouldn’t trade that for the world, then we had a match and unfortunately during the match something went wrong and I kicked him in the head and it was very stiff, and it was an accident.”

Un accidente en el ring

Goldberg dijo que nunca iría maliciosamente a lastimar a un oponente. Razonó que la lucha libre es más parecida a un baile que a una pelea, requiriendo que ambos intérpretes estén en su mejor momento para obtener el mejor resultado, y él estaba en una posición de confianza inmensa que no traicionaría. Goldberg no está muy emocionado con la forma en que Hart ha tomado las cosas en los años siguientes.

Goldberg se disculpa

“He escuchado esto durante 15 años y he escuchado cómo se queja de que le patee la cabeza”, lamentó Goldberg. “Solo puedo decir lo siento tantas veces y puedo arrepentirme por tanto tiempo.”

La polémica continúa

La controversia entre Goldberg y Bret Hart parece no tener fin. Mientras Hart sigue culpando a Goldberg por el fin de su carrera en el ring, Goldberg ha expresado su arrepentimiento y deseo de seguir adelante. A pesar de todo, este incidente ha dejado una marca indeleble en la historia de la lucha libre.

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