Even before capturing the WWE NXT Championship this past April, Trick Williams has been riding a wave of popularity and success. The 30-year-old has been steadily winning over fans since debuting as an ally to Carmelo Hayes in 2021 before later striking out on his own. Now that he’s at the top of NXT, Williams is calling his shots, and that includes challenging a certain WWE Hall of Famer and “WWE NXT” commentator while appearing on “The Masked Man Show.”

Trick Williams desafía a Booker T a un último combate

“I already asked Booker, ‘Can we run it one time?'” Williams said. “He can still go, man. He’s in the gym all the time. He doesn’t slow down one bit. … It’s up to him. If we can make this happen, I’m all game. I’ll put the title on the line.”

Booker T ha rechazado la oportunidad de un último combate

Williams went on to say it would be an honor to be Booker’s last-ever match, and it would mean the NXT Champion could never have any true complaints about his wrestling career. However, the WWE star may not want to get his hopes up.

En el pasado, Booker ha sido firme en su decisión de no regresar al ring para un último combate, revelando que previamente rechazó la oportunidad en 2022. En los últimos años, Booker ha realizado algunas apariciones esporádicas en el ring, pero solo en combates de varios hombres. Una de esas apariciones incluyó su participación en el WWE Royal Rumble 2023, que sigue siendo su último combate oficial hasta la fecha de este escrito.

Booker T no ha tenido un combate individual desde 2019

Booker no ha tenido un combate individual desde 2019, siendo su último enfrentamiento uno a uno en WWE que tuvo lugar en 2012. ¿Su oponente en ese combate? Nada menos que el actual Campeón Indiscutible de WWE, Cody Rhodes.

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