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Months after being brought into the fold, ESPN’s Joe Tessitore made his WWE debut last night, joining Wade Barrett to provide commentary for “Raw.” It was a momentous night for everyone involved, including Tessitore, who gleefully opened up to WWE in an exclusive post-show interview posted on YouTube.
La emoción de Tessitore
“How do I feel?” Tessitore asked rhetorically. “This is how I feel. You feel alive. You feel passion, and you feel intensity. You want to live in the red in life. That’s what this is, ‘Raw,’ live in the red. This was an awesome night.”
Recepción de los fanáticos
Part of what made it an awesome night for Tessitore was the fan reception he got, which included the fans giving him a massive ovation when he was introduced to start the show.
La importancia de la noche
“I was very into them, it was a great reception,” Tessitore said. “It meant a lot to me. I brought out the little kid in me tonight. I went and I grabbed a bunch of t-shirts and merchandise. I spread the love, and I wanted to see smiles on these children’s faces…From start to finish, I thought that what was thread through this evening was very special, and it was great to see it. Night one in the books, let’s have many more.”
Un trabajo en progreso
Tessitore was quick to point out that he’s still a work in progress when it comes to calling wrestling matches. He did, however, feel he accomplished bringing out the fan in him who enjoyed WWE during his childhood.
La pasión de un fanático
“It’s the kid who skipped school in eighth grade to go meet Big John Studd,” Tessitore said. “It’s the kid who was rooting against the faces to root for Paul Orndorff. That’s the kid that you got tonight. I wasn’t great tonight, I wasn’t great tonight, but I was a passionate fan tonight.”