Round one kicks off, and the pair lock up. Dempsey wears Evans’ arm down with a submission hold, but Evans returns the favor and wears Dempsey’s arm down with a pair of submissions of his own. Dempsey lock in another submission on EVans, and the pair go back and forth. Evans lands a hurricanrana on Dempsey as the round comes to a close.
Round One: Dempsey 0-0 Evans
Round two begins, and Dempsey and Evans take turns pinning one another. Evans looks to roll up Dempsey, but Dempsey blocks it before Evans sends Dempsey crashing into the corner. Dempsey responds with a Half Nelson suplex and transitions into a pinfall to score the first point.
Round Two: Dempsey 1-0 Evans
Back from the break, round three has come to a close and Evans has scored a point.
Round Three: Dempsey 1-1 Evans
Evans connects with a suplex on Dempsey, but Dempsey responds with one of his own and locks in a submission on Evans as round four comes to an end. Dempsey keeps the hold locked in for a few more seconds after the clock has run out, but Alexanders pulls him off and Myles Borne gets in his face.
Round Four: Dempsey 1-1 Evans
Round five kicks off, and Evans looks to connect with a springboard crossbody. Dempsey intercepts him with an uppercut mid-air, but Evans rolls him up. Dempsey kicks out and Evans delivers a spinning roundhouse kick to level him, then delivers a clothesline off the top and goes for a pin. Borne puts Dempsey’s foot on the bottom rope to break the fall, but the referee catches him and Alexander flies over the top. The pair brawl to the back as Evans flies over the top to level Dempsey on the outside and dumps him back in the ring. Tavion Heights surprises Evans with a belly-to-belly suplex as he looks to get back in the ring, and Dempsey pins Evans for the win.
Round Five: Dempsey 2-1 Evans
Winner (and still): Charlie Dempsey